A Message from Sylvester Aden

Welcome to the website of National Security Command. My name is Sylvester Aden, and I am here to tell you more about the NSC, and how we protect the good citizens of Great Britain from anyone that threatens the order and stability of our fair land.

In these pages, I will tell you how the NSC was formed in 2017, give you a guide to the organisation, a virtual tour of our headquarters in Lierbury, and many, many more insights into this, the most powerful and effective force this country has ever known.

You may consider a career with the NSC. If so, please get in contact with us. We are always looking for the right kind of people, and have positions to suit almost everyone.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

National Cleansing

The government's sanctuary on the Isle of Wight is nearing completion. Some have called this a prison, but that is far from the truth. It is a town, designed to be home for a million UK citizens whose personality disorders, addictions, and behavioural problems make it difficult for them to live in harmony with the rest of society.

The inhabitants will have all they need for happy and fulfilled lives, including protection, supervision, medical care, and therapy.

As I have already said, this is not a prison. If one of the townsfolk wishes to return to society, and can satisfy the authorities that they are willing and able to live in harmony with the main population of the nation, then they will receive the practical and financial means to begin their life anew away from the sanctuary.


  1. This sounds like a great place for all the christians and moslems. You can be locked up together and bash each others brains out to your hearts content.

  2. If you read the teachings of Jesus Christ, especially the Sermon on the Mount, you would realise that Christians are taught not to retaliate against any form of aggression, but to repay wrongs done with forgiveness and kindness.

    I do not know too much about Islam, but I have never experienced animosity from Moslem people that I have met.

    That said, I have noticed a trend to define anything which is not considered "normal" (whatever that is) as mental illness (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9073596/Shyness-could-be-defined-as-a-mental-illness.html, for instance). I am sure that this will be applied to people of faith (whichever faith that is) unless it is unchecked.

  3. Sorry, I mean "unless it is checked."

    There was a sketch on TV recently, a professor was presenting a study which defined everyone other than himself as "aberrant", or suffering a mental illness or personality disorder. I think a group of people will establish themselves as "normal", end everyone else as "abnormal".

  4. Are you one of these whinging christians who thinks that the big bad atheist conspiracy is out to get you? That's paranoid. Just because some people dare to speak out against your stupid beliefs about a made up god and a made up book, you think we're out to get you! Why should you get special treatment for what you believe? Don't we have rights too?

  5. No, I do not think that there is a conspiracy. As far as I am concerned, you have every right not to believe in God. Just remember, you chose to come onto this site and posting your views. Also, despite what you have posted here and elsewhere, I am still publishing your comments. And, not once have I attacked or insulted you or what you believe in.
